Our Vision and Mission

We envision a society where public policy related to cannabis and other substances protects health and advances equity in all its forms.
We use scientific research to identify and advocate for cannabis policy that advances public health and equity, prioritizing groups vulnerable to harms, such as youth. We engage and support partners in our work to ensure that government and industry actions align with these priorities.
Strategies We Use:
- Scientific Research
- Policy Design
- Technical assistance to government and community partners
- Key audience education
- Community stakeholder engagement
- Advocacy
- Accountability
What We Do
In most states, cannabis legalization has focused mainly on creating a legal profit-making system rather than putting guardrails in place to promote public health, protect youth, and advance social equity.
We provide technical assstance to jurisdictions that are currently regulating cannabis, considering legalizing or decriminalizing cannabis, and to community partners. We develop and share models for safer and more effective cannabis policy, and provide guidance on policies that can reduce harm and prevent problem cannabis use.
We take an evidence-based approach by carrying out and drawing on scientific research, cannabis policy analyses, and lessons from tobacco and alcohol control.
Please contact Aurash Soroosh for more information.

Have questions?
We can help!

Getting it Right from the Start
Public Health Institute
2000 Center Street, Ste 308
Berkeley, CA 94704
P: (510) 344-7221
Join our Listserv and be part of a dedicated community of public health advocates, regulatory officials, parents, concerned citizens, research scientists, medical professionals, and policymakers.
Sign up for our action alerts and join the movement to create a safer legal cannabis marketplace without driving up harmful consumption.
We want to hear from you! Please contact Aurash Soroosh for more information or with any questions you have.